

Exciting Kids’ Learning Activity on Pollination

During homeschool days, @brianne.lynk   enjoys teaching the kids about food.  Today, they learned about bees, pollination, and how it relates to the premium SugarBee® Apples. The timing during Earth month made it even more special. For this activity you’ll need: Yellow craft sticks Black pipe cleaners ...

Honeybee Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are containers filled with various materials designed to stimulate a child's senses, including touch, sight, sound, and sometimes even smell. These bins are often used as a sensory play activity for young children, typically toddlers and preschoolers. Recently one of our fans @bellebeastandbabies...

SugarBee® Coloring Page

Enjoy this free downloadable SugarBee Apple Coloring page and activity sheet. On the front page, color a SugarBee Apple tree and our sweet bee mascot! On the back page, learn fun facts about honey bees and enjoy a DIY pollination activity! Lastly, help SugarBee find...

Bee Inspirational Cards

Here is the perfect recipe for a Bee-inspirational note to your favorite loved one! Download our Bee Inspirational cards, fill them out and include them in the next lunch you pack for your loved ones or leave them on their pillow at night. They will...

Kitchen Skills: 4 Ways to Cut Apples

Learn how to cut apples like a pro! Mastering the basic knife cuts such as large dice, small dice, julienne, etc. is not just a lesson for professional chefs.  Knife skills when learning how to cut apples are handy to have for home cooks as well....

Fruit-Based Cocktails for the Holidays

There is something festive about a fruity cocktail during the holiday season and since pears and apples are fall fruits they lend themselves well to celebratory beverages. We have compiled a few of our favorite cocktails here to add a bit of specialness to your...

What makes apples so healthy?

You’ve probably heard the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This saying was first recorded in Wales during the 1860’s with the original wording “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” Clearly apples...

Kitchen Hack: How to Keep Apples From Browning

It’s a classic tale. You chop, dice, slice or shave a raw apple for your child or to use in a recipe only to have it turn brown and unappealing minutes later. Why does this happen? And more importantly, how can you prevent it? Browning is...

Downloadable Holiday Guide

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. And what better way to celebrate this wonderful season than to create your own unique decorations and treats to spread throughout your home with the ones you love? We've put together a gift bag full of great holiday...

SugarBee Apple Cheddar Biscuits

Easy, Family-Friendly Holiday Recipes

Depending on where you live, you may have been quarantined in the house for long stretches of time, and the holidays continue to be isolating for many. However, staying home more can also mean a break from the usual holiday hustle and allow for simpler...

How to make Vibrant Salads!

We all know that salads are a healthy meal choice, but let’s face it, they tend to get boring over time. So, how do you make your salads pop? Add fruit for texture and contrasting flavors and an interesting dressing and your taste buds will...

Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits and DIY

Blog by: Valerie Musser, Valerie’s Of Course Catering We have all heard of Apple Cider Vinegar aka ACV.  But what is it for? There are so many uses! Here are a few of the reasons why we should all incorporate this natural ferment into our daily wellness...

SugarBee® Apples

3 DIY Fruit-Based Skincare Treatments

Improve your complexion and moisturize your skin with these fun DIY skincare treatments using Chelan Fresh fruit! Before you begin: Be sure to wash your apples first by rubbing under running water and dry them completely. Test any mask you make on a small patch of skin and...

5 Must-Try Apple Salad Recipes

Whether you love salads for their nutritional value, their ease of preparation, or because they are simply fun and delicious — spring is here and it’s officially salad season! Many salad recipes include diced or sliced apples in their ingredients list because apples offer bright sweet...