
Honeybee Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are containers filled with various materials designed to stimulate a child’s senses, including touch, sight, sound, and sometimes even smell. These bins are often used as a sensory play activity for young children, typically toddlers and preschoolers. Recently one of our fans @bellebeastandbabies put a Bee themed one together, we can’t wait to share!

For the sensory bin:

Fill the container with the kinetic sand, have the children use the kinetic sand to create a hive. Hide the bees, and use the tweezers or tongues to pull out the bees from the hive. Because you can shape this, it can be shaped into a honeycomb or a bees nest.

You can utilize either the bee life cycle or the honeycomb puzzle to illustrate to children the fascinating journey of a bee, along with emphasizing the crucial role bees play in pollination. By demonstrating how bees aid in pollinating and cross-pollinating various plants, we can underscore the diversity of fruits, vegetables, and flowers we encounter outdoors today.