
Cheese, Apple, Honey and wine pairings for SugarBee® apples

When it comes to apples, cheese and wine, three is not a crowd! This playful trio offers a world of possibility and can be the star of your next get together.

All the varieties of apple, types of cheese, and choices of wine can make your head spin, so weve created a guide to help you pair cheese and wine with one of our favorite and most original apples: SugarBee®.

SugarBee® cheese and wine pairings

SugarBee® apples are juicy and aromatic with just the right amount of sweetness. This versatile apple variety works beautifully in baked sweet or savory recipes but is just as charming consumed raw.

Stronger firm and semi-firm cheeses like smoked gouda or white cheddar contrast with the sweet snap of SugarBee® apples. Pair this combo with a big bold wine, like a Cabernet Sauvignon, that will hold its own against the strong cheeses.

Click here to download our pairing card.