
Exciting Kids’ Learning Activity on Pollination

During homeschool days, @brianne.lynk   enjoys teaching the kids about food.  Today, they learned about bees, pollination, and how it relates to the premium SugarBee® Apples. The timing during Earth month made it even more special.

For this activity you’ll need:

  • Yellow craft sticks
  • Black pipe cleaners
  • Kraft paper
  • Markers
  • Crushed cheese puffs
  • SugarBee apples (for a snack of course)

In this activity, children will read a story about honey bees (such as “The Honey Bee”) and discover their role in pollination. Using bee models, they’ll simulate pollination by flying the bee from one flower to another, collecting and transferring pollen. This mimics the process of a honeybee cross-pollinating a Honeycrisp blossom with a mystery blossom to create SugarBee® apples. Teaching kids about bees’ importance to our planet is crucial. Without them, there would be no honey and significantly less pollination.


Created by:  @brianne.lynk